Lets Talk About: Life Updates


Hello Lovelies,

Apologies that this post is so late, but hopefully this post will explain why! I've been so incredibly busy the last week or so, so busy in fact that im currently writing this post while sat on the floor on a train on the way to Ross's! Me and Jess (who I write this series with) have had some pretty big things going on this week, so instead of writing the very long post we originally had planned for this week, we decided to make it a little easier on ourselves and give you our life updates instead! Hopefully you'll understand, we want to be able to do the post we had planned justice, and we decided the best way to do that would be to push it back for a couple of weeks so we have time to write a post we're both happy with. So, with apologies, explanations and excuses out of the way, lets move on to the big news!

If you've read one of my posts before, you'll know that I'm currently in my third year at University, which means i'm due to graduate soon (existential crisis sinks in). Graduation is very bittersweet, because on the one hand you're really excited to be finishing university, and on the other hand your crapping yourself and you want to avoid the 'real' world for as long as possible. Loads of people choose to stay on to do a masters, and these lucky sods get to avoid making the big life decisions for another year, curse them! Me on the other hand, decided to put on my big girl pants and face the world head on (cue round of applause). What this means is that i've had to make some pretty big decisions, like deciding where I wanted to live and what job I wanted to do, you know all that stuff, no biggy. Okay, the exciting stuff's starting now I promise...

So, lets start with the most exciting bit, I'VE GOT A HOUSE. After 5 years together, me and Ross decided that when I graduate we're going to take the plunge and move in together, yay! After looking around for a little while, we found the perfect little house that we absolutely love and now we're moving in in the middle of May, and I cannot wait! Expect to see loads of homeware hauls coming soon!

The next bit of news is that I have a full time job lined up for when I graduate, which enables me to afford our cute little house! I don't want to go into too much detail about my job for personal reasons, but i'm so excited to start it! Its so crazy and exciting that in just two short months me and Ross will be living the life we've been waiting 5 years for!

The final bit of news is that i'm going to be starting a new series called “Moving Out Mondays” where I give you all my tips and tricks for getting your first home or flat! As an apology for this post going up so late, the first “Moving Out Monday” will be up tonight at 6pm, so keep your eyes peeled!


Laura xoxo

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