Lets Talk About: Relationships & Dating


Hello lovelies,

Apologies for the little break from blogging I've had over the past few weeks, third year of university and job applications have been kicking my ass! As announced a few weeks ago, I have started a new series called "Lets Talk About:" but for a few reasons I've decided to make some amendments. Originally, a new "Lets Talk About:" post was going to be uploaded every week, however, I have decided that it is probably more realistic for me to upload every other week at 6pm. Secondly, and much more excitingly, this will no longer be just my series. With a lot of the topics I want to talk about, it seems much more interesting and inclusive to have different aspects and views. So, this series will now be a collaboration between myself and my best friend Jess, with half the post on my blog and half the post on hers, my opinion and advice on my blog and hers on hers! For example, this week you can read about my relationship advice on here, and Jess's dating advice over on her blog! Now that the general housekeeping is cleared up, lets move on to the blog post!

This week, we're talking about relationships! I've been in a relationship for nearly 5 years now, so feel like I have a few snippets of advice I could offer. I'm writing this post from my personal experience so as such, I'm writing in a very heterosexual sense, but there's no reason that these can't apply to all relationships! Love is Love! Keep reading to discover my Top 10 Tips for Relationships!

Top 10 Relationship Tips (Not necessarily in the right order)

1) Compromise - I know I said these weren't in the right order, but this is probably my absolute number 1 tip! Compromise is so important in all aspects, whether its fro
m the small things like where to go out for dinner, to the bigger things like where to go on holiday. You might not have any desire to visit Berlin, but for all you know he could have dreamed of going since he was a kid, it's really not going to put you out that much to go to Berlin on holiday, you can go somewhere you want to go next time!

2) Argue - This sounds crazy, but argue frequently! Having a small little bicker every now again really helps to prevent things building up. If you let everything boil up inside you, it becomes so easy to create a massive unsolvable argument and jump to conclusions. If something they do bugs you, tell them when they do it ! Don't wait until your next argument in a months time before you bring it up, they'll just get more angry that you've held on to it for so long, no one likes having things from the past thrown in there face. 

3) Communicate -  This is so important! Let them know how you're feeling, and just as importantly, ask them how they're feeling! Nobodies a mind-reader so be open with each other. Don't go in a mood if he doesn't realise your grumpy, hows he supposed to know? Instead of being passive and dropping hints until he asks you whats wrong, just go to him and be like "I'm upset, can we talk about it?", it is so much easier and healthier for everyone involved. The person you're in a relationship with is their to support you - use it!

4) Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - I know some of the things your partner does are annoying but before you flip out at them just ask yourself "is it worth it?". I really need to get better at doing this one! For example, if they keep leaving the toilet seat up (how stereotypical) ask them not to politely, and if they forgot every now and again its almost certainly not intentional so its not worth getting angry over! Still tell them sure, but do it in a jokey way like "Oi, you muppet, if you leave the toilet seat up again I'm going to throw a spoon at ya" (don't actually do this, its meant to be a humorous way of letting them know its annoying you, NEVER THROW SPOONS). 

5) You're Independent Too - This is something that took me a while to figure out. It is completely okay to do things without your partner! In fact, i recommend doing this, it's so important to still see all your friends. If your friend invites YOU somewhere don't assume your partner can come, you don't want to become one of those couples who only come as a package deal, you friends will want girls nights just as much as his friends will want lads night, and that's okay ! Going hand in hand with this is trust! If you cant trust somebody there is no point being with them, so let them go out and have fun without worrying! 

6) Don't Expect - Especially in the early stages, never expect them to do things such as pay for you, or drive you places, or be a taxi for you and your friends. If they offer then sure, but don't ask them out on a date and then get mad if they don't pay for you. If you are in the early stages they might not want to say no, so don't put them in that awkward position! Take care of yourself and if they offer to help out - great! (My boyfriend will be laughing at this one because I'm so guilty of this, we can preach what we don't practice, right?) 

7) Make Time - Me and Ross have become pro's at this over the last year or so! My job at university means I work nights, and Ross's full time job means he works days - you can see the issue, as he's finishing work, I'm just starting. Goodbye conversation! We had a week where we were both working a crazy amount and being as neither of us can really text at work, we probably had a grand total of 20 minutes of conversation all week! To combat this when neither of us we're working on Friday I went to his and we had a date night of just catching up! It's so important to catch-up on time you loose and spend quality time together!

8) It's the little things - Pretty self explanatory, you don't always have to make big romantic gestures! Just doing the little things to show you care can mean the world to someone. Similarly, don't expect them to do the same for you, notice the little things they do! Anyone can buy you a fancy necklace and some flowers, but only your significant other will know exactly what McDonalds order and ice cream combo will cheer you up, or what hot water bottle and blanket you need when its your time of the month!

9) It's okay to be different - This tip has multiple meanings. In one sense, I mean that it is okay for you and your partner to be different from each other, but it's also okay to be different from other couples! You know what they say, opposites attract! Its okay to like different foods and TV shows. However, its important your the same on the things that matter (like your views on kids and marriage). Furthermore, don't compare yourself to other relationships, every relationship is unique. So what if that couple on Facebook moved in after 2 months together? Go at your own pace!

10) Be adventurous - Take this how you will but what I mean by this tip is step out of your comfort zone! For example, i'm petrified of flying but me and Ross wanted to go away together so it was something I had to combat. Don't let your fear and anxieties stop you. Having said that, it is always okay to say no so if there is something you really don't want to do, saying no is okay too!

Bonus Tip From Ross!

As a little bonus I asked my boyfriend for his number one bit of relationship advice and can't believe I didn't think of it myself! Ross' top tip is to never try to change a person and love them for all their positives and well as their negatives (which i have bags of). I have to say I 100% agree with this one. Love them for who they are, never change them and never let them change who you are!

So that's it, all my relationship tips! Obviously not all of you who read this will be in relationships; check out Jess's advice for dating here! Of course though, it is completely okay to be single too! These posts were just based on mine and Jess's current experiences!

Look out for out next collaboration post every other Thursday at 6pm! What would you like us to talk about next?

Until next time,

Laura xoxo

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